MKE 15 & 16 Ripples of Growth

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Happy New Year

Happy New year fam! How are you guys and dolls? It’s been a trip these past days. I overcame food poisoning, got sick and injured but I am on the mend as we speak. I made a lot of revelations and I will keep it simple. I have been doing ALOT of thinking and these are some of the revelations I have discovered. I am a strong woman. Stronger than I give myself credit for.

Insights and Cement

Pride is a root that has to die within me.  I hate asking for help. Hate it. I rather secretly drown sometimes than to borrow your raft. Sometimes I don’t listen. The word of God says that He resists the proud. Pride comes before the fall. Lord knows that is true. I realize everything, and I mean everything we go through is designed to either kill things within you that do not profit you or kill your proverbial or real(I don’t know) enemies.

I feared being killed because of my skin color.  I did not realize that issue was bothering, no more than that, driving me at all until I started prospecting. The thought came,” what if you get the assualted girl? You are on their property. So I stopped. Then I realized wait a minute. I am more than this skin.  I am a child of God and I have favor with man. This stops now.  So just when I thought the cement was gone….yeah no.

I haven’t really learned yet which is the priority. No wonder I was soooo mentally tired all the time.  Everything and I mean everything looked like it was an emergency.  Today for the first time, I compartmentalized everything I needed to do and did it.

Ripples of Growth

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I have grown. I mean I really watching the 7 laws of the mind do their thing in my life!  It’s a trip.Today I closed at my job and normally I get help with my shift. Well, not tonight perse. INSTEAD OF GETTING ANGRY as a hornet. I began mentally getting thankful! I was grateful I had the strength and energy to pick up 80 lb short bars, I was grateful I had the intelligence to roll some of the weights 50 feet across instead of carrying them and saving energy.  I was grateful to be healthy enough to work I mean I was putting the law of substitution to work so hard, honey it was dancing in my head. I said to myself you are strong girl. My co-workers marvel at how easily I pick up things they can’t.(ie 120 lb dumb bells).  I just laughed it made me feel good and noticed that for my BF Makeover virtue. For about 30 seconds I really felt like Wonder Woman.

How was your week fam?  I always look forward to hearing from you.

